Friday 17 May 2013

It's May Long Weekend!

Happy Birthday Queen Victoria!!!

Everyone loves the unofficial kick off to summer- the May 24th long weekend. Most people take advantage of the 3-day weekend, warming weather and go camping or head to their cabins to commence a season full of BBQ's, summer drinks, family, friends, warm nights, laughter and building memories.

But let's not forget where it all started, and why we really do take this weekend in May to spend with family and friends; to remember the birthday day of Queen Victoria and celebrate Confederation. 

According to wikipedia: 

"The birthday of Queen Victoria was a day for celebration in Canada long before Confederation, with the first legislation regarding the event being in 1845 passed by the parliament of the Province of Canada to officially recognize May 24 as the Queen's birthday.

Following the death of Queen Victoria in 1901, May 24 was made by law to be known as Victoria Day, a date to remember the late queen, who was deemed the "Mother of Confederation", and, in 1904, the same date was by imperial decree made Empire Day throughout the British Empire. Over the ensuing decades, the official date in Canada of the reigning sovereign's birthday changed through various royal proclamations until the haphazard format was abandoned in 1952. That year, both Empire Day and Victoria Day were, by order-in-council and statutory amendment, respectively, moved to the Monday before May 25 and themonarch's official birthday in Canada was by regular viceregal proclamations made to fall on this same date every year between 1953 and January 31, 1957, when the link was made permanent by royal proclamation. The following year, Empire Day was renamed Commonwealth Day and in 1977 it was moved to the second Monday in March, leaving the Monday before May 25 only as both Victoria Day and the Queen's Birthday."

So dust off your tent, fill the cooler and go 
to woods and enjoy some quality time with your friends and family this weekend!

Stay safe and have fun!

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